It’s never too late to start something new

2 min readSep 30, 2023
Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash

You know, life is this incredible canvas just waiting for each of us to add our individual brushstrokes. And the best part? It’s never, ever too late to start painting a brand-new masterpiece.

Sometimes, we let doubts and those pesky self-imposed limitations hold us back. But guess what? There are amazing stories out there of people who did extraordinary things when they thought they were “too old.” Maya Angelou published her very first book at the age of 42, and can you believe Gladys Burrill ran a marathon at 92?

So, what is holding you back? Age is just a number, and the only timeline that truly matters is the one you set for yourself. Do not let the fear of starting out or the weight of self-doubt keep you from pursuing your dreams.

Start that hobby you have always wanted to try, start a new career, or rekindle an old passion. Sure, it is a bit difficult, but what isn't? Well, think of those as stepping stones toward greatness.

Believe in yourself, take that first step, and remember: it is never, ever too late to live a life filled with purpose, passion, and limitless possibilities. It’s still a work in progress, so make it the story of resilience, growth, and pursuing your dreams wholeheartedly.

Start! That’s all you need to do. Take action today. Don’t delay!💪

